ACTIA: a proactive and sustainable company
ACTIA, as a sustainable company, is proactive on thoughtful actions that combine the three pillars of sustainable development:
- Social: integration and non-discrimination
- Economical: optimization of production capacities
- Environment: participatory management of environmental resources
It ensures the dissemination of values both internally (employees) and externally (customers, suppliers, various partners).
Upholding Business Integrity for Sustainable Corporate Commitments
Irreproachability is the word. ACTIA has a duty to pass them on to our colleagues, suppliers, customers and partners alike. Procedures, audits, eLearning, training ensure that ACTIA commit collectively and individually to respecting the principles of integrity on an everyday basis, in accordance with the recommendations of the United Nations and OECD. Committed to a sustainable development, ACTIA was once again recognized & rewarded by GAIA index (47/230).
ACTIA places Human Rights and the Environment at the heart of the Group’s concerns in order to ensure its sustainable success. Moreover, ACTIA shares with all its subsidiaries its commitments in terms of social and environmental responsibility. ACTIA’s Code of Ethics, signed in 2014, reflects the values of respect and integrity so strongly held by the founding families.
The Group has no presence in countries appearing on the blacklist of tax havens. ACTIA also has a department dedicated to export control. All Group entities actively promote the application of and respect for the fundamental conventions of the International Labor Organization.

Corporate Commitments at Each Levels of the Company
In addition to the ISO14001 standard and other regulatory compliance, ACTIA concretely implements social and environmental concerns within the company to contribute to an environmentally responsible proposal. ACTIA is doing everything to minimize the use of resources and waste, prevent pollution and conserve energy to create a change towards a circular economy.
In its industrial activities:
We are committed to eco-design in the product development process. When selecting materials and components, we pursue an innovative approach that takes the environment into account. We also pay attention to sustainability when choosing production and storage methods and use resources such as water, CO2 emissions, electricity and natural gas responsibly.
Employee engagement
Our employees are actively committed to greater sustainability and implement measures to reduce our environmental impact in the long term.
- Waste management & greenhouse gas reduction: Our efficient waste management promotes the reduction and recycling of waste, including hazardous substances. With detailed assessments of greenhouse gas emissions, we identify opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint.
- Zero-paper target: By digitalising our processes, we are pursuing an ambitious zero-paper target to conserve resources and increase efficiency.
- Sustainable mobility: ACTIA supports environmentally friendly mobility: rail travel, carpooling, electric bikes for employees and electric vehicles for business trips are all part of our strategy.
Requirement to suppliers
ACTIA’s values must be shared by our suppliers, as the basis for a long-term partnership. Corporate Social Responsibility is integrated into the ACTIA Supplier Quality Manual, the Purchasing Policy and the Sourcing Committee. Quality and sustainability are key points in the qualification and classification of suppliers.
ACTIA encourages sustainable means of transport for home and work trips: train, carpooling and electric bicycles for employees, as well as the use of the electric car for business trips, are implementing solutions for collective transportation.
Commitment to humanity and diversity:
ACTIA’s voluntary initiatives for a better working environment
ACTIA goes beyond legal requirements and has voluntarily established best practices that promote a positive work environment:
- Improving quality of life in the workplace
Combating discrimination. - Promoting training and continuous professional development.
- Promoting diversity and professional equality.
- Prevention of psychosocial risks: Supporting the work-life balance.
ACTIA is aware that human values are the foundation of its success. The company therefore promotes and supports personal involvement in solidarity projects.